Discover what shape your HR is in

It’s completely understandable that your approach to HR might have been a bit hit and miss to date or it hasn’t had your full attention because you have been flat out building and growing your business alongside balancing the books and growing revenue.  But that probably doesn’t stop you wondering about whether you are covered legally, worrying about the risks of not being and feeling out of touch with the scale of the problem.

At Metro HR we want to take that uncertainty and worry away.  We can quickly and easily help you discover what shape your HR is in and make recommendations for short-term and long-term improvements based on risk and exposure.  We can work with you to get everything in order, build a framework that will grow with your business and develop a people plan that works in harmony with your business strategy.  You will soon be experiencing the benefits great, simple and well managed HR can bring.

Self-audit HR Checklist

Download our free comprehensive Self-audit HR checklist to see if your company is covering itself legally and using best practices.

Work through this free Self-audit HR Checklist to establish what might be missing, needing an update or to quickly highlight key areas where your business might be exposed to risk or vulnerable to claims by employees.

Once completed you can email it to us at [email protected] so we can book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your current position and see if we can get you started on your journey of great people management and planning aligned to your business goals.  We will provide you with our top three recommendations of things to focus on in order of priority.

Free 30-minute consultation for new clients.

Get in touch now

Download checklist now

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